Mechanochemistry towards greener pharmaceuticals

Innovative processes to revolutionise how we manufacture drugs and chemicals

Greener pharma

The pharmaceutical industry generates tons of toxic waste and carbon emissions. Moreover, it often relies on the supply chains of chemicals and catalysts, which limits timely production during emergencies.

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Mechanochemistry gets rid of solvents. It uses mechanical force, like grinding and milling, to drive chemical reactions. It’s succesfully used by other industrial sectors (aerospace, cosmetics, fertilisers…). Now, IMPACTIVE will validate its use in pharma.

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An impactful solution

IMPACTIVE is a project funded by the European Commission, which counts on 17 partners in 10 different countries. Our expertise covers the whole value chain, from research to industry and innovation, which will ensure our solutions find ways to market.

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Strong industrial collaboration

IMPACTIVE counts with the industry from the start. 2 international companies (Merck & Novartis) are part of the project, to help with the scaling up.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), the aim of IMPACTIVE

An API is the essential component responsible for the therapeutic effect of a medicine. This crucial element can be sourced from various methods. In this article we explore what APIs are, why are they important, and the strict regulations they face to ensure their quality and safety in pharmaceutical production worldwide.

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Mechanochemistry could provide a safer and greener route to anticancer drugs

The IMPACTIVE team has looked into the manufacturing of imatinib: an anticancer drug on the Essential Medicines’ list of the Worlds’ Health Organisation. Thanks to mechanochemistry, we discovered a synthetic route to do it in a way that is safer, greener and more efficient than the commercial method used nowadays.

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Mechanochemistry: pioneering green synthesis solutions across industries

Mechanochemistry is a groundbreaking field, revolutionizing chemistry through force-triggered reactions, eco-friendly practices, and efficient processes. It’s a pioneer technology with applications across multiple fields: biomass transformation, energy storage, agrochemicals, and much more. With its versatility and sustainability, it’s reshaping a myriad of industries towards a greener, more innovative future. Keep reading to unveil different use-cases.

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